Looking for families in Vancouver, BC, Canada
2 years of paid experience
Our center is a newly open center with certified ECE teacher and beautiful environment. now we have 1 spot open .
Visit our website : Http://
And if you are interested you can call :778-848-0539 to arrange a visit .
So My name is Ting. I'm an certified ECE educator with love and passion for teaching and playing with children. I have certificates on food safety, children emergency first aid, criminal record check and health prove of the doctor's note.
Right now I'm running a family daycare and children from 1-12 years old are all welcomed.
It's a play base center which means that children are going to have fun in playing but also learn some meaningful lessons through play and interaction with other children and the caregiver.
our program are focusing on developing children art, language, physical, mental skills and knowledge. We provide 2 snacks, and nap.